Well I got my first flat tire after all these miles this morning at 6 a.m. I've only had one day off from rain for the entire trip so far, though I'm still feeling confident and enjoying the journey. I recently spent all day in Micanopy, which is an incredibly beautiful historic town in the middle of a State Forest. The other day I awoke in my hammock to a ring snake suspended above me in a spider web! I wasn't sure what kind of snake it was at first glance so I got out from under it in a hurry. Mother nature is incredible, and has been lighting my night rides with an unbelievable wash of stars that make me grateful to be free and living life on my own terms in a way where this is the backdrop to my life.

I recently played two gigs in Weirsdale, where I made enough so that the Change the World of One team can put together a goat husbandry workshop for the kids at the Mumslove orphanage in Duayaw Nkwanta, Ghana. I don't know why all those goats need to get married, but I'm more than happy to help! Subsequent proceeds will go to buying the kids their own herd. Next it's on to Gainesville, where I'll spend Friday recouping and Saturday rockin my guitar to get those kids some goats!

If you missed the gig, here's a song for you - "Ticket to Ride"


A gal told me yesterday morning that she could guess my age by looking at my teeth. So I pulled out my lowers and put them in her hand. She's not a fan any longer.

There have been a lot of offers/requests, to join my ride... I have turned them all down. As adventurous as my journey is, it's also extremely dangerous. I cannot stand the thought that someone could be injured, or much likely worse. I do all my significant riding over night. This includes bad weather (if the winds are below 25 mph, I will not stop). I travel State and County roadways... often they are only two lanes. Giving traffic only two options - slow and wait, or pass. This makes for angry drivers. I will not post some of the things that this has caused (people are worried enough about me, no need to enhance that). 9 out of 10 vehicles are doing the right things when they encounter me, but it only takes 1 to cease the trip :). If you would like to start your own journey, there is a link on the website journeyforacause.com

Onward and upwards! Thank you everyone, as always, for your continued support!